Fly Fishing Cuba

Ed got a chance to go to Cuba and fly fish with Picabo Anglers and see the freshly opening country. With help from the No Business Lodge and Veteran Outdoors, he flew out of Miami direct to Havana with a group of 12 headed for Los Jardines de la Reina, a huge archipelago on the […]
Happy Holidays 2015 from Ed Anderson Art

Happy Holidays 2015 from Ed Anderson Art! It’s been a tremendous year for Ed. We can’t offer enough thanks to all those who made it possible. By our calculations he logged almost 100,000 miles, 6 countries, and way too many US states. There’s also been some tremendous partnerships formed. In fact, too many to mention […]
Elk Camp 2015

It was a great trip for Ed to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundations Elk Camp at the Las Vegas Convention Center. He spent a few days with the boys of Maven from Lander, Wyoming and worked on a new elk piece titled “Billowing Up”. It is 3x5ft acrylic and ink on canvas. It was a great place […]
Chasing Drakes
At the No Business Lodge we get short window to chase big lake run trout. I’m taking the solstice and hoping the sun brings the bugs out in force. Like any hatch, the drakes on the North Fork of the Payette pop according to water levels and weather. We may get a shot this weekend.